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Re: Tena Takeover - right or wrong

Posted by D on August 7, 2010, 11:56 pm, in reply to "Tena Takeover - right or wrong"

There is another angle to look at this. The Revolution was fought to reclaim
huge sections of the coast...and inland (Hacienda's) from the Spanish.
After that revolution the Constitution prevented foreigners from owning property
within 60 km of the coast, basically saying that the beach was for the people of Mexico.

Now we are watching rich Mexican's buy up places like Careyes and Tamarindo which
exclude average Mexicans from using the beach. Getting ready to add to
that list is the very popular Tenacatita.

The people of Mexico...especially the middle and lower class come to places like
Tenacatita to use a FAMILY FRIENDLY beach at an affordable cost. That would be
a beach with a gradual entrance to the ocean and small waves. In places like that
the parents can let the children play in the waves without worrying that they will
suddenly be swept away by a large wave i.e they can relax and get the rest they
came for. It is these kinds of places that are considered valuable by
the big developers.

So this is basically a war on the poor of Mexico, constantly squeezing them into
smaller and less friendly areas for vacation. The end result is that the parents
don't relax as much as they would have when using a more friendly beach.
That translates into un relieved stress, the vacation is not as effective as before.
That unrelieved stress is taken back home and results in Domestic difficulties
in the cities. It's a connected loop and one could easily call it a war on the
poor, or even a war on the people of Mexico.


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