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Posted by Arno on October 23, 2013, 9:53 pm

Various sources have recently reported that Dengue is now on the rise all over Central America and Mexico. Dengue spreads when virus-free Aedes aegypti mosquitos bite infected people and thereby become infected themselves. These newly infected mosquitoes then spread the disease by biting other people.

Therefore there are two main methods that a community can use to push back against a major spread of Dengue: spraying to lower the number of mosquitos that can bite an infected person; and taking steps to prevent an already infected person from being bitten again by a not-yet-infected mosquito. (It is also advisable for individuals to prevent getting bitten by using door and window screens and repellants, and by taking precautions at dawn & dusk when mosquitos feed.)

As for LaManz, is it possible that a few people volunteer to inquire about and gently push on the relevant municipal and clinic powers-that-be re the spraying? I plan to be there in mid-December and could join such an effort then.

Of course the best push-back method would be to influence people who are already infected with Dengue to take steps to prevent being bitten again while they are infected. Obviously, this is not possible to enforce, but if the family, friends and/or neighbors of at least a few infected people could help them to take steps to not be bitten for a few weeks, that would be a Very Good Thing for all of us.

Might there be enough interest in LaManz about being at least a little bit proactive in pushing against a recurrence of the Dengue epidemic of 3/4 years ago?

Here are two websites (there are others) about this year's increase of Dengue in Mexico:

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