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Insecticide disposal?

Posted by Ron Blett on March 15, 2014, 3:44 pm

Cleaning out the bodega; I found a 2 oz jar of Clordano (clordane), effective to kill scorpions and termites and such. How can I dispose of it or who might use it in a responsible way? I suspect that we used it to spray the palapa and forgot about it when we decided we didn't want to do that any more. We decided to feed the palapa to the termites and replace it when worn out and feel better about it. We thought,"What happens to the clordano when the palapa is replaced? It will stay in the soil for 20 years before breaking down. It stays in the organs of fish and such and accumulates on down the food chain."

My first choice is disposal. Second choice is for someone to use it rather than buy their own.

Thank you for your idea. Respond on board or to my email: