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YogaCommunity and Bending Tree Expansion Project

Posted by Karen Taylor on June 9, 2014, 8:52 am

Join us for YogaCommunity Classes every Tuesday and Thursday 9-10 a.m. all summer long. Classes are only 20 pesos. Invest in yourself and in your community!
Bending Tree Yoga and Healing Center is located at 130A Playa Blanca, 2 blocks down from Martin's.

This past week, I've had a few people ask me about the Bending Tree Expansion Project: a project to expand our services to our community. Our goal is twofold: to have another location for housing of teachers and students and to hold classes; as well as to provide community classes at very affordable rates to adults and children.
There are a variety of ways to participate, either a financial donation; or just by attending classes; sponsoring a person's classes; or getting a reflexology, helps support this project.
Thank you to the awesome clientele this past "tourist season" which helped me launch the YogaCommunity classes this summer which is a part of this project.
Plus, those who are are attending YogaCommunity this season are also supporting this project!

I am very grateful for your all your support. Thank you!
To learn more about the project and how to get involved, please visit us here:

Thank you and Namaste,