La Message Board Archives

thursday 7:30 Fun film

Posted by wendy mason on January 14, 2015, 12:42 pm

ENLIGHTEN-UP...the video. 7:30 Thursday Jan 15th at Casa LUz. Here is a question from an interview done in San Miguel about this show....
Q:And for those not seeking “enlightenment”, why come to the show?
WM: For many, the word “enlightenment” is associated with gurus, candles, and chrystals. But in its’ most basic interpretation, to enlighten is simply to bring more light or wisdom to ourselves. This show aims to shine a light on the commonality of our shared human experience through all kinds of artistic expressions ( i.e.: song, poetry, puppets, videos etc) , with out the “religious” trappings often associated with “enlightenment”.
If you are curious, here is a link to check out what its about....
Hope to see you there.