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Sad and Outraged!

Posted by Norma on October 18, 2010, 12:43 pm, in reply to "Re: Missing dog"

From what I hear from my Mexican friends in other neighbourhoods, there have been a lot of dogs poisoned. I think there needs to be education in the community about the dangers of poisons and the threat of anonymous killers in the community. I think everyone's dogs are in danger. They depend on us!
A friend who lived in Barra 40 years ago said the police chief would say make sure your dog has a collar on and they'd round up the strays and shoot them. So for some they are expendable while for some of us they are the loves of our lives and spirit guides. They depend on us.
Sixteen years ago, my neighbour shot my cat in the shoulder causing his front leg to be amputated with a whopping vet bill. My thinking at the time was why should some killer get to decide whether my loved one lived or died! I had a credit card, so he lived. What a survivor he was.
Illegal hunters shot into my driveway from their vehicle killing a deer smaller than La Manz dogs. I ran out, asked them wtf they were doing. I took their license plate numbers, called the police, they were apprehended at the ferry, charged, and convicted. This incident was an opportunity for all of us to learn about guns on the island and illegal hunting. Nowadays it is much safer for everyone as we organized neighbourhood watches, publicized pit-lamping incidents, changed the laws, etc.
I believe that the reason animals have short lives is because they teach us and whether we get it or not reminds me of the Gandhi quote:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.
I also believe the way to change society is by teaching the children and then in turn they teach their parents. I am up for the task. Anyone else?
I just tried to research another quote by Mahatma Gandhi: We must become the change we want to see. ... “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.” and came across a neat website
Top Ten Things to Think About If You Want to Change the World


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