La Message Board Archives

Loud Music

Posted by Larry F on February 10, 2012, 12:52 pm, in reply to "Re: LM Church Music"

I wouldn't necessarily argue with the last few comments. If you don't like the smell of poultry farm, don't build a house next to one.

Most of us who move to small-town Mexico don't realize that their adopted culture is not bothered by noise. But how do we reply to the argument that outsiders should not be bothered by starving and sick animals, cell phone towers being built next to schools, or plastic garbage in the streets? Do we say to those who start animal clinics or recycling programs that they should move elsewhere? Mind their own business?

I live close to the casino. My mistake. The noise inside this structure when amplified music is played is way beyond the safe level. Likely those who live in close proximity are also being exposed to unsafe noise levels.

I would not dare lecture my Mexican friends about this issue. So what to do? Do we grumble amongst ourselves? Move to a different place? Keep quiet and say to ourself - "Well it is Mexico, after all"?

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