La Message Board Archives

Re: US/CDN boats Seized

Posted by Larry F on December 22, 2013, 11:41 am, in reply to "Re: US/CDN boats Seized"

Before all local residents run off to hide their paddleboards, canoes and hobiecats, as suggested by some, please consider:

A "precautionary embargo" is not a seizure, as in confiscate and take away pending a fine or whatever. It is a restriction on leaving port until paperwork is cleared up.

Local craft are not cruising vessels who entered into Mexican waters with crew and products aboard. As such, they would not be subject to the same paperwork requirements.

I have cruised on my own boat for years, and have been subject to close scrutiny by both U.S. and Canadian border officials, each time required to produce valid paperwork. Why would it be any different here?

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