La Message Board Archives


Posted by CISCOSAMIGOS on February 2, 2014, 8:46 am

Thank you everyone who donated items, helped , bought and played Doggy Bingo at Palapa Joe's yesterday.
It was great fun. A special thank you to Willy and Kimberly for letting us use Palapa Joe's.
I'm happy to say $26,200ps went into the can. Now we have enough to pay for the upcoming Cisco's Amigos Free Spay and Neuter Clinic.
As announced at the beginning of bingo this year Cisco's is donating 10% of the bingo proceeds to Linda Koenig's Children's Art Classes held every Saturday of the year. Her tireless dedication to the 40+ children of La Manzanilla each week is amazing and her help to me, driving home very late at night from the Cisco's Melaque clinic for the past 2 years, is so very appreciated.

The dates of the clinic are : February 11&12 in El Rebalsito and La Manzanilla starts Feb 14th(appropriate??) and will go until the 16th or 17th depending on how many show up.
The Vets from Mexico City, Yolanda and Ruben, will be arriving on the 9th and staying until the 20th. If you see them please stop and tell them how much you appreciate their amazing dedication to the health and welfare of our animals. That's Ruben and Yolanda has the sunglasses on. Yolanda has done over 35,000 spay or neuters.
This picture was taken in Melaque after the 2009 clinic.

Thank you all again,


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