La Message Board Archives

Thanks to Trisha, Dan, Brenda, Doug and the LaManzainilla community

Posted by Joan on February 17, 2015, 11:30 am

While staying blissfully in LaManzanilla earlier this month, I unintentionally and unknowingly (yet irresponsibly) dropped our rental unit house keys while hiking/wading along the tide mark between QV and Boca beach.... Miraculously, given the probabilities of someone stepping on somewhat submerged keys in the surf on that huge expanse of beach and wondrously, given the probabilities that, once found, the finders would be aware of and make the effort to announce their "treasure" on the info board, the keys were quickly returned, undamaged, to their rightful owners....And I could, while admittedly humbled, shed my guilt and continue on thriving in the selfish pleasures of a LaManzanilla vacation.

To Trisha (the FINDER) and Dan (the Message Board MAVEN) and Doug and Brenda (the marvelously forgiving and supportive HOSTS), many, many thanks. And to all of you in LaMananilla who so clearly love the place and who act positively via the Message Board and in so many other ways to make it a welcoming, active and successful enclave for Mexicans and snowbirders alike, thanks for all you do to maintain the town as a tiny jewel on the Costa Alegra.

We'll be back.